Saturday, 14 May 2011

Twitter, writing groups and a local newspaper article

Good morning folks! The sun is shining which is always a good start to the day. I'm earlier than usual on a Saturday morning, because I've got to head out to school to help teach a last minute revision class, for year 11 pupils, as they have a GCSE English exam on Monday morning. I'm wondering how many will actually drag their back sides out of bed to attend - 20? 30? 2?

I've had a great week on the writing front. I have managed to edit another two chapters of my novel 'Her' which is a major achievement for me. I can feel the book coming to life as I write.

I've joined 'Twitter' as a means of keeping up, or rather being nosey regards publishers/authors and their daily work. Which has led me to realise that an author literally has three novels on the go at once, each at different stages. Book one is with the publishers, whilst you proofread Book 2 and write Book 3 - necessary note: this is after your first one is accepted, obviously.  It's a bit like the three vests system for a newborn baby: one wearing, one washing and one in the cupboard. So, should you wish to follow me on a daily basis via 'Twitter' as well as the weekly blog ... the  name is ODwyer_author.

As I mentioned last week, I planned to attend two writers' groups this week. And, I was as good as my word. Wednesday night, I went to my usual Mad Hatters of Atherstone - it was lovely to see a fellow member, Paul, who had moved away from the area but came back to visit. I read an extract from chapter six of  'Her' and the group agreed that a monologue wasn't the best style befitting the scene - so Thursday, I re-wrote the extract and added lots of 'showing'. Thursday evening, saw my first visit to The Grace Dieu Writer's circle in Colaville - I'm glad to report they are a lovely bunch. I immediately felt at home and coughed up the annual subs as a way of guaranteeing my return in a fortnight. One very talented lady called Nicky, wrote a poem during the meeting!!!!! Inspiration stuck her whilst listening to another member read his short story aloud and bingo, bango by the time he'd finished, so had she. Her poem, called 'Trees', was then read aloud to the group. Truely amazing!

Friday morning brought an email announcing that an article and accompanying picture of the new Polesworth poets was printed in the local newspaper. I quickly text Hubby with a request to go and purchase two copies. Why two? I don't know. I suppose I'll read one and add the other to a memory scrap book. Then I phoned my mother to inform her that I'd actually had  a poem selected. I hadn't told her previously, because as mentioned on here previously my writing isn't something that I share with my family - you'll understand why in a moment. I explained all the ins and outs of the Poetry Trail, and sent her off to buy the local newpaper. She phoned me on the evening to say she'd read the article and then asked 'Is there anyone in the picture that we know?' What???? 'Eh yes, me, on the front row!' Parents, don't you just love them.

On that chuckle, I have to leave you to go and count how many sleepy head year 11s have turned up to revise English - my money is on ten. Enjoy!

Follow on: 24 teenagers!!! I'm in shock, they all arrived washed, dressed and for some, fully awake. Even more of a surprise is that they listened, discussed and took home past papers to practise for their big exam on Monday. Bless um - they drive me potty most days but today I could squeeze them (though of course by law I'm not allowed too).

Anyhow, I'm now back home and ready to knuckle down to my usual Saturday writing session.  My plans this week include the Fizz 7 poetry event on Tuesday night at Polesworth Abbey, where all 16 poems for the Polesworth Poetry Trail will be read. This will be the first time I've stood up and performed - so I'll touch the fireplace, as is now custom, just for some extra good luck.

I almost forgot to say my 'April Fool list' of 40 things to complete in my 40th year has been added to my blog. I've managed to write about each one as I've completed it, so that little book is coming along nicely. Number 40 has been left empty - ready and waiting for an unforeseen opportunity that may come my way!

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