Friday, 23 March 2012

‘Jutt’, seven reading books and a chick-lit queen

Evening folks – yep, you guessed it, I have pinched a spare hour on a Friday night – so, pull up a chair, take the weight off your feet. I’ll start with the good news of the week – I have just been informed that my poem ‘Jutt’, about a pit pony, will be in situ in Pooley Heritage Park by next Saturday morning, 31st March 2012 – the very last day of my 40th year. Yay, I hear you cry! It seems so very long since last May when the poem was selected , but hey, these things take time to come to fruition.

Apart from that piece of good news, I’ve had a dull week, if I’m honest, apart from my two writers’ meetings. Wednesday night saw me attend the Mad Hatters’ meeting – I didn’t take anything to read, but thankfully others did. I did mention my passage of discovery regards competition entries, which intrigued some. I’m hoping that they’ll take heed and start entering their work into competitions – who knows what they may receive.
Thursday night, I attended the Grace Dieu meeting in Coalville, this is a particularly large group and yet, only a handful are attending at the moment. Again, I didn’t have anything to read but was thoroughly entertained to the point of tears by the poems and prose produced. One, was so near the knuckle regards the topic – I didn’t know whether to chuckle or not, a quick scan about the table gave me the go ahead. I came home with a fellow writer’s autobiography, written many moons ago. It has been doing the rounds for the last six months and I gratefully received the opportunity – so, fingers crossed it’s a riveting read, as it has some strong competition on my bedside cabinet. I have to confess that I currently have several books on the go, more than my usual three (shakes head). I am nearing the end of ‘Middlemarch’ (finally), I’m part way through ‘A streetcar named Desire’ and ‘War of the Worlds’ both are for school reading/day job, I’ve begun ‘Lord of the Rings trilogy’ (for when Middlemarch is simply tooooo dry) and the opening to ‘Death at Pemberley’ because I got caught short in a café without a book so bought one because I haven’t enough at home! Believe that, if you wish. So, the little gem I brought home on Thursday night has a fight on its hands for sure. Oh, just remembered I also have a Winston Churchill biography propped on the dining room table. Seven? Oh dear me, please don’t tell husband. In fact, let’s make a deal, I shall endeavour to finish Middlemarch this week – ouch, tough call.

One delight of the week was that my favourite author Marian Keyes has joined Twitter. She’s back. I know, I know how exciting it that? For those that aren’t into chick-lit, Marian is ‘The Queen’ and she has been a way for a while but we all love and care for her and are soooo delighted that she has graced us by allowing us to stalk her…. Oops, no - follow her.

I haven’t much planned for the week ahead, still trying keeping the ship afloat with the pressure of the day job but, I do know there is a poetry Fizz this coming Tuesday, where Barry Patterson is the guest poet. Usual place; Polesworth Abbey Refectory, usual time;7:30pm to be entertained by unusual poetry. I’m sure everyone is welcome to attend, there is usually an open mic afterwards, so why not take a piece along.

Right, that’s enough from me, especially if I’m going to heave George Eliot from my bedside cabinet – oh the joys. Remember you can follow me on ‘Twitter’ by searching and following odwyer_author – please pass this blog onto others who may be interested. Enjoy!

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