Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

Just a quick update: try as I might, but draft one won't be completed today - I shall plod on into the New Year.

Wishing you all a prosperous New Year - May all your writing wishes come true!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

New Year, Simon Whaley and Rehoming

Morning folks, I hope everyone is well. We got our wish for a cosy quiet Christmas at home. But, now my eyes are firmly on the New Year. Writing wise, I have dug out my annual read 'The Positively, Productive Writer' by Simon Whaley which I've reread for the part two years. Whaley gives lots of practical advice and examples of  records - which I've used since my very first read. It may sound daft, but the psychology of writing needs a regular revisit.

My current writing place is my desk in the corner of the dining room - which for years has suited me but recently my spread of papers, notes and accompanying item has out grown the spot. So, drastic action is called for come the New Year - I'll be rehoming my desk upstairs into a cleared out room - which will give me more space and best of all a door to close on the expanse of notes, so I won't need to clear away after each session.

Between now and New Year I have to dedicate as much of my time as possible to my current project - which has a self-imposed deadline for draft one of 31st Dec. Though, this looks unlikely given that a minor plot line is being reworked at the moment. I'll see what I can do.

With New Year comes my resolutions - this year I will get my RNA NWS submission sent by 1st April and then following feedback will submit it to publishers. Simple goals.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter by search odwyer_author or facebook odwyer_author - either route make sure you connect and chat. Enjoy!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Merry Christmas, holidays and muse

Morning folks, I hope everyone is enjoying the run up to Christmas - I've nearly completed my 'To-do  ' list, thank goodness.

Since Friday I've been on holiday, so have transformed my focus onto my writing. It amazes me how much work I can complete when juggling isn't necessary. I've managed to add numerous champers to my work-in-progress but intend to complete in the next nine days. As my dead line is 31Dec - I have more than enough to be getting on with, between the tinsel and turkey!

I've had a fabulous week with my study; submitting a beautiful essay on Jane Eyre - I wanted to write 10,000 words not just the required 2,000. The process reignited my passion for Bronte - so the New a Year could well begin with Gaskell's biography.

My muse has been prodding my ribs each day this week - she seems to be overflowing with creative ideas and demands. I've the beginnings of two poems and a flash fiction story jotted on notepaper - which I'll hopefully finish by Christmas. I also wrote two murder mystery short stories for the school children - quite amazing how excited they became at being included in the plot.

Finally, wishing my dear writing friend Alex a speedy recovery after a recent surprise - shout if you need anything.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter by searching @odwyer_author or facebook odwyer_author - either network please make contact and follow my end of year progress. Wishing you all the merriest of Christmases - enjoy!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Jane Eyre, Plans and Christmas

Morning folks, I have just one task today - to write an essay on Jane Eyre. I started a plan for it earlier in the week, but today is the day. I've got a cracking question and so many ideas and quotations to craft together. I've already put in a few hours and need to add some more this afternoon.

Last week was one crazy week. I managed to snatch a daily writing session but it was a struggle. Christmas planning is eating a huge chunk of my evenings but I'm nearly there with the To-do-list.

My novel is coming along which is pleasing to see, even if it is slower than I'd like. I'm on track to complete by draft one by the New Year. I've had to do some emergency research for an unexpected plot line - but hey, it all adds to the excitement.

Plans for the holiday, which start next week! You know me, I don't enter a holiday period without a daily plan. Anyway, a lazy holiday is definitely not on the cards - I plan to work each morning from 7 - midday. If needs be I can drift into an afternoon session. I have no intentions of heading out over Christmas - the perfect holiday spent at home is what I desire. So there's no fear that by the time I return to school draft one will be complete.

Remember you can track my progress by following me on Twitter odwyer_author - seek me out - enjoy!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Nano recovery, RNA NWS and promotion

Afternoon folks, we what a week! As you know I completed Nano last Saturday - my back has only just stopped aching. Seriously.  Each day since Nano, I have added to the manuscript and this is my new challenge for December. December challenge will consist of daily writing sessions to complete draft one by 31st December. Yep, I'm well and truly going for it! I'm determined that this should be my RNA NWS submission for 2014.

My RNA NWS membership was renewed last week too. I really can't believe it is two years since that  New a Year night where I had to pounce upon a send button cone OBE minute past midnight to ensure I was chosen. Lordy, the very thought of losing my membership place brings me out in a cold sweat. So phew, signed in for another year.

Good news from the day job this week - actually correct that - utterly fabulous news from the day job this week, I gained a one year promotion. All the hard work has paid off and a golden opportunity was delivered my way. A wonderful early Christmas present, as far as I'm concerned.

The week ahead, well I can't attend my writers' meeting as it falls on a commitment with the day job (parents evening), so I'll have to send my apologies. Never mind, it can't be helped but it does mean I might not get to meet my writing friends before the Christmas break occurs. On the bright side, come January 2014 I'll have a new manuscript written :-)

So, the plan for today - I have a stack of Christmas tasks to do before I reach my desk but when I do, there'll be no moving me. I intend to write , write and write - all new material from my muse.

Remember you can follow me on twitter @odwyer_auther or facebook at odwyer_author - Enjoy!