September has finally arrived amidst a flurry of golden leaves and darkening evenings. More importantly for me, the month signals a period of annual change and reflection. First and foremost, the return of the 'day job' after the long summer holidays - this has an enormous impact upon my writing routines and creativity. From this month onwards my routine will revert to weekend writing supported by the slithers of time snatched during each day. It isn't an ideal routine but it's one I can manage alongside the 'day job', enabling me to dedicate a large amount of time and effort during the weekends whilst supporting the momentum with smaller daily sessions. It's essential that I write every day, large or small, it is a must for me.
Secondly, with the dark evenings fast approaching my hibernating gene kicks in welcoming the long cosy evenings; perfect for additional reading or plotting a new novel. Better still are the weeks leading up to November where I can muse and dream freely in preparation for NaNoWriMo 2014 - this year which I'll be participating in for the third consecutive year.
Thirdly, I usually undertake an inventory of my work for the year so far. A simple spreadsheet that details what I've written, submissions and a general reflection regards the highs and lows of my creativity. Each year I'm surprised by the things I'd created and yet forgotten about - letters, competition pieces and short stories that I meant to edit, rewrite and resubmit but didn't.
This week I took the snap decision to share my writing with another work colleague, I'm always dubious about who I tell due to a previous bad experience, some readers may remember this blog was originally called secret writer for that exact reason. Anyway, a conversation on writing occurred and I just simply couldn't lie or hold back. So I outlined my progress and current project. I was delighted that the news was greeted with genuine enthusiasm and support, which in the long run will help me to succeed by easing the pathway at the 'day job'. It made me smile that secret writer is slowly disappearing and fading into oblivion :-)
Sadly, there are always lesson to the learnt with this writing malarkey. I've always promised to be honest about my writing journey, rarely does this blog contain a negative aspect but today it does. I've had a huge lesson this weekend that I should never assume. What's the saying? Assume makes an ass of you and me - well, it didn't make an ass of me but has left me feeling let down. In our writing worlds we create little networks of writing friends who we assume will assist and support - this week I've found that one tiny group isn't as supportive of me as I have been towards them over the years. It's a realisation that comes out of the blue but hey, it makes you so grateful to those that take a genuine interest in my writing and progress. My RNA friends picked me up, brushed me down and sat me at my laptop to write. I'm sure Helen Phifer, my writing buddy, would have feed me wine and chocolates to aid recovery - sadly, I didn't need the emergency treatment for romance writers! Very rarely do I let others' effect me but today I've been saddened by the realisation, but hey, onwards and upwards.
And finally, I am currently reading Rowan Coleman's 'The Memory Book', which has recently been chosen by the Richard and Judy Book club - I have to say, it is such a beautiful read and I can't stop telling people about it. If you have the chance to read it, especially during these dark autumnal evenings, I promise you won't regret it.
Strange this addiction called writing - there are such enormous highs and lows, disappointments, successes. - and yet we can't stop feeding the beast. Wishing you every success over the coming months. Mx
So true Morton, I honestly believe writing is simply part of my biological make-up. I couldn't imagine not being able to write. Bless you, sweet x
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