Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Love Stories Awards: shortlisted 'New Talent Award'

It's been a few weeks since I updated but please forgive me... as I have news! It has taken the week for the information to sink in but I have been shortlisted in the Love Stories Awards 2015 for 'New Talent Award'! I'm both stunned and delighted to see my name amongst the lucky nine selected and doubly honoured that I'm amongst such talented writers.

The ceremony takes place on Wednesday 18th November in central London so, I have a couple of weeks to enjoy the anticipation of such an event.

Good luck to Tora Williams, Alison May and Sheryl Browne who also belong to the RNA Birmingham Chapter.

As always I have to juggle writing with the day-job but I've completed my request for leave - fingers crossed it will be granted.

For full details of other writers shortlisted for the array of awards Love Stories Awards 2015

In the meantime I need to crack on with my projects as NaNoWriMo is fast approaching which will keep me out of trouble until 30th November.

For further details regards NaNoWriMo

1 comment:

Morton S Gray said...


Congratulations! Enjoy your anticipation and the event. It is lovely to be shortlisted for the New Talent Award and they make you feel very special on the evening. Enjoy and fingers crossed for a win.
