Saturday, 23 June 2012

Submissions, Post boxes and hot air ballooning

Morning world, I was expecting to have a hangover this morning but so far the hangover fairy hasn’t delivered the goods – so, I shall blog while I can.

I’ve had a cracking week after the disappointments of last weekend. This week, I have submitted a poem for consideration to a children’s picture book publisher. A little ditty inspired by my poodle on our daily walks. It had been rattling about the old brain cells for a while, and finally, I have polished it and posted – so, fingers crossed. This submission means that three manuscripts are doing the rounds in the big wide world.

I don’t know about you, but I do have a habit of using the same post box, in preference to any other. Weird, I know, but hey, indulge me. My current favourite is an old styled post box with the Queen’s initials cast into the bottom. I forgo the ultra modern box outside the post office, the brick built one (honestly, brick built?) and uuurrrrrgh, to the tiny half-sized one pinned to a wooden post – a poor excuse for a post box in my eyes. I don’t even mind that I have to go out of my way to use the one I like, it’s a decent dog walk in fine weather or a short car journey in bad weather – but, I still opt for my favourite. Is the fixation too much when you’ve looked at the house situated behind my fav post box and thought hummmm, if that ever came up for sale? Bugger the size of the kitchen, it has easy access to my post box! Is that too much? Really? Oh well.

Quite recently, I wrote a poem about a Dormouse, which the dog sniffed out on our walks, and this week, I had the joy of watching a news reel yesterday about the decline of the Dormouse in Britain due to farming methods. Apparently, 70 pairs have just been released into a woodland to help encourage a breeding programme. Bless um. I was chuffed that my creative flow had captured a moment of a creature in decline, but whose future looks a little rosier..

The big story of last weekend was my trip in a hot air balloon, which I had waited 15 months to do. The constant cancellations had lulled me into a false sense that it would never happen, and even last Sunday morning, I was sure it would be cancelled. But no, the weather was perfect and up we went. It was truly amazing. I would do it again tomorrow. The sense of calm and freedom experienced is something else. We lifted to 3000 feet, travelling at 12 mph and the views were stunning. There was a moment, when I thought ‘there is just wicker beneath my feet then fresh air’ – my stomach did swirl at that thought, but other than that, nothing. It was like being in a great glass elevator – wonderful. The landing was as smooth as possible with just one tiny jolt and the balloon crew were excellent.  

My reading this week has continued with Steinbeck’s ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ – I have fallen in love with him all over again. I am half way through the novel and woe betide the pupil at school that disturbs my reading lunch break. Honestly, truly a great writer. My next reading book is already lined up Alcott’s ‘Little Women’ – I read it as a child but a reread is necessary for a literature course which I’ve booked for October. I’ve seen the film adaptation which my mother loves, and do remember the book taking me an age to read as a child. But, for now, I’ll stick with Steinbeck’s beautiful descriptions.  

This week, I have two writing groups to attend - I don’t know what I’ll be reading but I’ll take something to each. Friday, which I can’t wait for, we, hubby and I, shall be attending a murder mystery evening in plush hotel. It was an item on my ‘April Fool’ list for my 40th year, so I’m chuffed to be able to tick it off. I’ll let you know how it goes.

A big shout out to America – wow, so many hits this week, guys - you made me blush when I saw the stats. Please pass the blog address to others that may or could be interested. I try to share my writing experience as best I can and maybe it’ll help another  to begin writing or continue to plod along.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @odwyer_author to receive random updates throughout my week. Enjoy!

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