Sunday, 1 July 2012

Murder, Inspiration and the class of ‘87

Morning folks – I’m a day late updating my blog, but as you’ve come to realise that usually happens when I’m busy enjoying myself. So, let me share. Friday night I spent the evening in Birmingham at a Murder Mystery night organised by a company called ‘It’s Murder’. I have to say - they were superb. I won’t spoil any plots by telling you who or what, but the cast played their part to a tee. During our meal, the actors performed and answered questions and by the time coffee was being served the diners, approximately 60, had all morphed into Miss Marples. I’d never attended one before, in fact this was another item from my April Fool 40th list – but I would certainly do it again, the night was filled with laughter and fun! The evening was part of a hotel package, so I wasn’t at home till the afternoon. For more information please visit their website:

Friday morning, another mini events took place – my Olympics tickets arrived!!!! How exciting is that? It suddenly became very real that I shall be attending. It seems quite mythical in some respects to be actually attending an Olympics event – even more so, given the method of ticket allocation for London 2012.

Anyhow, back to the writing. Last Wednesday I attended my Mad Hatters’ Group – I read aloud a poem called ‘Poodle in a puddle’ which was inspired by my own miniature poodle. As I mentioned last week, the poem has been tumbling about my head for a while and has finally made it to the page. The group enjoyed it, though one line needs some attention and editing. I was pleased with their reactions.

I didn’t make it to my Thursday group due to a headache – but I was prepared to take and read a poem inspired by the children’s poem ‘Cats sit anywhere’ by Eleanor Jarjeon, my version is called ‘Pigeons shit anywhere’. If you know the original poem, you’ll fully appreciate my modern version. I’ve used inspirations in this manner many times before – chose something creative from which you build from and upon. It could be a line of poetry, a classic painting, a photograph or a fairy tale. It is quite amazing how you can add a creative twist producing a new piece. I suppose the perfect example is Tracy Chevalier’s ‘The Girl with a pearl ear-ring’ inspired by Vermeers’ painting – a recommended read if you haven’t already.

Another mention for Thursday, 28th June – here in Britain, we experienced a freak downpour that can only be described as ‘Biblical’. I have never witnessed rain like it – its power, force and speed were frightening for anyone caught outside. I stood watching from a classroom window and know the images I saw are already germinating into a new piece. It’s just a matter of time for it to take root – then, I’ll write.

I have finished reading Steinbeck’s ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ – I was sad to finish it, if I am honest. I then began Alcott’s ‘Little women’ in preparation for a literature course in October. But, and here is my confession of the week, I couldn’t ignore the hype surrounding ‘that book’ or ‘mummy porn’ as I heard someone call it yesterday - ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ by EL James. I downloaded it onto my IPad, and have flicked through. I can understand the hype and I love the fact that people I know, who never read a book, have bought this one. So, in my opinion, bingo – success! Fingers crossed the ‘Grey’ readers catch the reading bug and continue to purchase or borrow novels.

And finally, Saturday night, last night, I attended a wedding reception of an old school friend and had the time of my life catching up with others that I hadn’t seen in 25 years!!!! It was like a mini reunion, though totally unexpected and yet, a sheer joy – which has made my week. This morning, I woke incredibly early, and sat supping tea with the biggest smile on my face. Of course the old creative juices have taken hold and I did manage to sketch the plot for a short story – which I will dedicate to the class of ’87.

I have returned to polishing my novel ‘Her’ as a manuscript copy is expected by the Romantic Novelists Associations’ New Writer Scheme – so, it’s my intention to continue this for another week.

I still haven’t heard a word from any publishers – so again, no news is good news! But I did check out this website which boosted my faith just a little. If they can survive rejection – then, so can I. Visit: - it makes very interesting reading.

So, all in all, I do ask for forgive for being sooooo late with this update – but I have given you fair reasons. Life’s simply ace at the moment ….wouldn’t it be good if that one little letter could arrive from a publisher – boy, that would be (words would simply fail me).

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @odwyer_author to receive random updates throughout my week. A big hello to all my new followers – it’s so wonderful to receive mentions and comments. Enjoy!

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