Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Apologies, critiques and the anticipation of Dan Brown

Morning world, sorry for such a late blog - I never blog on a Tuesday. My excuses are plentiful so hear me out, please. Last week I clocked up an impressive 65 hours on my rewrite of ‘Her’ in preparation for RNA submission. I have never completed such a tally in my life – though to be fair, I’ve never been granted that amount of time in one week. I was joyous and elated about my efforts. The state of play is that ‘Her’ now has 80 chapters containing 100,000 words – which I’m currently proofreading for the final time before printing and posting. It has been a gigantic task to get to this stage but I’m nearly there and will continue to plod.

I missed one group meeting due to an untimely call of duty regards collecting husband from work, but I did manage to attend my Grace Dieu Writers’ Circle – which I chaired for the evening. We had a fair mix of members and the poetry and prose were as distinct in style. One member read two critiques which she’d received each relating to the same piece. They couldn’t have contrasted more – which led to a discussion regards the services and agencies available to writers. We agreed that with so many critique services whose opinion can you trust? I personally abide to the rule of ‘write the book I wish to read, to the best of my ability’ – it doesn’t suit all people but I certainly don’t wish to experience what one member had. She received a critique which clearly outlined the faults with her novel, the member did a complete re-write based on their suggestions, six months later sent it back to the same critique, only to have them suggest that the plot didn’t work and suggest her original format/ideas back to her!!! I ask you, who can keep the faith with an experience like that?

Friday, I received a rejection letter from a children’s publish in relation to my poem ‘Poodle in a puddle’ – I shall now seek another publisher.

Friday, and here’s the reason I’m so late bogging – me and hubby went to London for the Olympics!!! Yay, I know, it was fabulous! We took the train on Friday morning and stayed till Sunday evening in the capital soaking up the atmosphere and attending the Football final, Brazil v Mexico, at Wembley. I was very impressed. We certainly got it right on so many levels. I was a little sad to think it has now finished - but hey, I have the ParaOlympics to look forward too.

This week I finished reading book one of ‘The Hunger Games’ by Collins – it has taken me longer than I’d wished but I’ve enjoyed the story. My next book, which hubby is currently reading, is going to be Dan Brown’s ‘The Lost Symbol’. I know many criticize his work but I love the pace of his books. I’ve been intrigued watching husband jump up from reading, dash to the internet check a detail and then return to his seat. So, I can’t wait to get my paws on it. I keep asking him what page he’s on? That’s how impatient I am.

So, short and sweet, but that is a true account of my week – Olympics and ‘Her’. This week I am catching up with an old writing friend on Wednesday – but the rest of my week I shall be working and tweeting my progress. Saturday, I have a RNA Chapter meeting in Birmingham which I’m looking forward to meeting up with local RNA members.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @odwyer_author to receive random updates throughout the week. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bernadette - it was great to meet you today. I agree with your verdict on the Olmpics - we went to see synchronised swimming at the Aquatic Centre in Olympic Park. Everywhere were happy, smiling people and we had a great time.