Saturday, 25 August 2012

New project, routine and submissions.

Morning – as you know, I had a fabulous week last week due to completing my manuscript for submission to the Romantic Novelists’ Association New Writers’ Scheme. It might sound strange but this was actually the second time I had finished ‘Her’, the first being last December. Though, with an additional subplot and a change about in chapter order I do feel that the recent draft is truly the finish. So, what did I afterwards? Having spent every day of my six week holiday editing or proofreading – I took the remainder of the day off and indulged myself in an afternoon of film and… Dan Brown’s ‘The Lost symbol’ – which hubby has finally finished.

Wednesday saw the beginning of another project ‘Weigh’, one that has leap frogged ahead in my creative queuing system – I’d already started a new work-in-progress ‘To honour and obey’ - but this will have to wait. As my new, new project which was barely an idea a few weeks ago has grown; the characters began to form immediately and plot ideas sprung from no where - I couldn’t ignore it. I started as I always do by numbering a journal pad, a page for each chapter and then began laying out a manuscript book with the details of the characters and places. I grabbed a clothing catalogue and began searching for my cast of characters, snipping and gluing as I went. By Wednesday evening I had the beginning of a plot floating about my mind.

I promise you now, that this new project is not going to take me six years and four months to write – like ‘Her’ did. I have a plan! Oh, yes, I’ve thought it through. My intention is to get this book written in the next six months!!!! I hear you gasping but I think I can do it. My daily life has become more streamlined thanks to qualifying, as a teacher, which in turn will allow me more time to write. At work, I will also have a place to write during my lunch break - my brand new classroom! So, a daily routine is established – we’ll see how it pans out.

I had two writers’ group meeting last week – both very different and both very necessary for my needs. The Mad Hatters had a lot of chit chat this week prior to critiquing, and the Grace Dieu was bursting with people so a new energy was gained in seeing returning members. My theory is that with autumn fast approaching the hobby writers start to settle back into a writing routine having spent the longer days out and about. This week’s meeting certainly gave a boost to the numbers which had started to flag a little.

I have one remaining week on holiday before school starts – so my plans are to submit a poem to a children’s publisher, continue to jot chapter ideas for ‘Weigh’ and finish two writing exercises set by the groups.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @odwyer_author to receive random updates throughout my creative week. A big ‘thank you’ to all my new followers – the crowd is growing day by day. Please pass my blog to anyone who might be interested. Enjoy

1 comment:

Pat Posner said...

Interesting post, Bernadette. I do the manuscript book thing, too, even for a short story sometimes. I call it a story scrap book.

I also make dioramas or picture maps of where characters live and/or work. It helps ideas flow and brings new ideas and plot lines. And it's fun!