Saturday, 11 January 2014

3rd place, busy week and early writing sessions

Evening folks, I hope everyone is happy and healthy during this first full week of 2014. I've had a fab start to the New Year.

Firstly, I am still enthralled with my new writing room - I have hidden myself away for hours on end working on my current project. It is psychological trick just how quickly my mood switches simply on entering and seating myself. Quite amazing how the effort to restart has disappeared and within seconds I'm back in full flow of writing.

On Wednesday, I attended the Mad Hatters' writing group - the first in a while for us due to Christmas holidays and ill health. It was good seeing the members, who had each bought a piece read and critique. I've got out of the habit of reading my work; I find it difficult to work on a project and keep going back heading feedback while partway through. I used to take a chapter at a time but found the experience jarring and forced me to keep adjusting early chapters when my creative flow couldn't ignore comments and suggestions made.

Thursday night, saw me attend Grace Dieu writing circle - the evening was an in-house competition night of flash fiction of just 250 words. I had prepared a festive piece called 'Barred' and was delighted to be voted in third place, out of eight entries. A delightful start to my creative New Year! I had found it particularly difficult task, but a very enjoyable!

This morning, I managed to complete a short story especially written for the school children - let's just hope they enjoy it next week.

The week ahead is particularly busy due to the day job and a big, big birthday for my mother. So I'll need to slot my writing into early sessions. I am proposing having a writing session before my day job begins. Now, this is going to be a challenge but one I'm prepared to undertake. I'll let you know how I do.

Finally, remember you can follow me via Twitter or facebook by searching on either for odwyer_author - I'll always answer when contacted, promise!

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