Saturday, 10 August 2013

RNA NWS, Road Trip and Opinions

Morning folks, I hope I find you happy and healthy for a Saturday morning. I’ve just fought my way though the supermarket to purchase ginger and lemon grass for tonight’s curry party, so thought I’d spend some quiet time with you guys.

My writer’s break came to an end this week, I returned to the W.I.P. on Wednesday, and I have to say ‘the break did me good’. I was up with the lark and eager to start draft three by writing in additional scenes where draft two had slowed a little. I’ve never taken a conscious break before but can now see the advantage of looking at the work with fresh eyes and a renewed energy. Anyway, the work pattern has continued and I’ve set a deadline of 31st August to polish and complete this project. My summer holiday finishes on 2nd September so plenty of opportunity.

One development for W.I.P. is a change of title – I’ve always had the working title of TFD but I’ve now changed it to a more suitable title for a romance novel FLOM – so sorry to confuse followers but the deeds has been done.

You’ll remember that last week I was waiting for the return of my RNA New Writers’ Scheme Submission for this year – well it has arrived, yesterday. The feedback is mixed, negative and positive: on the plus side the read loved my ‘sharply drawn’ characters and the plotlines – which I’m delighted about. Suggestions for change included the current structure and the written tense. I’ve chosen the present tense, as I want readers to be part of the plot and hopefully feel the emotion that develops with a particular character. The structure may be an area that I could rethink, the reader suggested a minor character becomes the main character – hmmmm. There’s no rush for me to make decisions as I am still working on the current WIP. Ultimately, I can continue with the plot and plan but I feel it would be foolish to disregard feedback without careful consideration, especially when it comes from a fellow RNA bod. I’ll let you know what I decide.

I haven’t any meeting this week, so will be using my time to nip away for a break in Wales with hubby. It’s going to be a bit of a road trip to Wales, neither one of us wish to make plans but instead just set out and see where it takes us. Strange for us, as we always plot and plan but both fancied a change. Fingers crossed the weather is kind.

And finally, opinions have been fascinating me recently. I find it amazing how diverse our tastes are and for the strong reasons given. As a writer I’m always listening out for what people like/dislike, judging current trends, searching for inspiration and pure nosiness. It appears that ‘The White Queen’ has become the new marmite, with viewers loving or loathing the t.v. adaptation. I have an unread copy of the novel, so haven’t entertained the idea of watching; I feel the page is better than the screen. But, and here’s my point, I can’t remember the last time I heard someone make ‘a middle of the road’ comment about anything be it a novel, cheese or a social issue – we seem to have entered a trend of extreme opinions, which we’d state our life on. I can’t pinpoint when this occurred but it seems long gone are the ‘so-so’ answers, the ‘don’t know’ answers and even the ‘it’s OK answers’. I’m starting to miss that simple hand waver gesture indicating mixed opinion. Maybe it’s due to the technology age we live in, where we ‘like or dislike’ anything and everything with the click of a button. I think we’ve been marketed to death and trained only to give extreme opinions for every aspect of our life. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter (@odwyer_author) or Facebook (odwyer author) for daily progress reports or simply to discover where my road trip takes me. Enjoy!  

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