Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Routines, Writing Magazine and Meet-ups

Morning folks, sorry for the late post, but there's been an error message for four days preventing me from blogging. Never mind all sorted :-)

I’m currently enjoying a short break from writing W.I.P due to achieving my editing goal last Wednesday. My plan is to return to the project this Wednesday, after a week of distancing.

I really don’t enjoy editing, I understand why, it’s because it isn’t imaginative, it’s the slog of nit picking at your own work but I have to say I’ve now found a routine that works for me. As a visual learner, I need to view progress so I applied that concept to my editing in the same manner that I do to my initial draft writing with a spreadsheet. Each morning I set myself a numerical target be it words, chapters or pages – and then stuck to it each day. I also worked in one hour blocks using my faithful kitchen timer. I’ll admit at first it was difficult and the targets were small, a couple of thousand words, but as the days past the targets set and then completed became larger and larger. I noticed a strange habit forming alongside my desire to reach my target, was the need to go beyond and if the day had gone well complete just one more session. My personal best was 11,487 words in one day! With each day’s success my motivation exploded, which in turn fed my desire to be editing. For me, this has been the only routine that has been successful so it goes without saying I feel I’m now sorted regards future edits.

On completion, I decided that I’d have a week free of my project so a little distancing can occur, but does that mean no writing? No way! I’ve simply turned my hand to other things. The break has given me time to focus on drafting short stories for competitions and I have fallen back in love with my Writers’ Magazine. Strange I know, but there are times it drops through the door and I flick through without taking much notice of all the wonderful advice inside and then others times, like this last week when I become lost amongst its pages and fall in love, all over again. It’s a publication that I have subscribed too and receiving for near on seventeen years – it is packed with so much valuable information. I have bought other mags alongside Writers’ Magazine but for me they don’t really compare. A change over recent years has been the inclusion of Writers News contained with WM – so it has become a bumper of an issue. Anyway, so far this week I’ve found several interesting competitions within its pages which have distracted my mind and given me an opportunity to hone my talents elsewhere.

This week I have two writers’ meetings on Wednesday and Thursday evening but also an important lunch date on Tuesday with Bella Osborne from the RNA NWS, who I meet at the July conference. We live relatively near to each other and have agreed to meet up for a lunch time catch-up. I personally get so much motivation from simply being with and amongst other writers that such catch-ups are vital to keeping me on track and productive. I’m hoping that this year’s RNA NWS submission has return by then, but the chances are slim, so I can chew over any issues that may have been highlighted. Fingers crossed, I get my wish.

Finally, a huge shout out to Latvia – I don’t think I’ve never had so many returning visits in just one week from one location. I really hope you’re enjoying the posts. Though it goes without saying, that all my visitors are most welcome and certainly make me quite humble as we near 7,000 views. Thank you x

Remember you can follow me on Twitter (@odwyer_author) or Facebook (odwyer author) for daily progress reports. Enjoy!  

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