Saturday, 7 December 2013

Nano recovery, RNA NWS and promotion

Afternoon folks, we what a week! As you know I completed Nano last Saturday - my back has only just stopped aching. Seriously.  Each day since Nano, I have added to the manuscript and this is my new challenge for December. December challenge will consist of daily writing sessions to complete draft one by 31st December. Yep, I'm well and truly going for it! I'm determined that this should be my RNA NWS submission for 2014.

My RNA NWS membership was renewed last week too. I really can't believe it is two years since that  New a Year night where I had to pounce upon a send button cone OBE minute past midnight to ensure I was chosen. Lordy, the very thought of losing my membership place brings me out in a cold sweat. So phew, signed in for another year.

Good news from the day job this week - actually correct that - utterly fabulous news from the day job this week, I gained a one year promotion. All the hard work has paid off and a golden opportunity was delivered my way. A wonderful early Christmas present, as far as I'm concerned.

The week ahead, well I can't attend my writers' meeting as it falls on a commitment with the day job (parents evening), so I'll have to send my apologies. Never mind, it can't be helped but it does mean I might not get to meet my writing friends before the Christmas break occurs. On the bright side, come January 2014 I'll have a new manuscript written :-)

So, the plan for today - I have a stack of Christmas tasks to do before I reach my desk but when I do, there'll be no moving me. I intend to write , write and write - all new material from my muse.

Remember you can follow me on twitter @odwyer_auther or facebook at odwyer_author - Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter, as a fellow teacher and a new writer. I am looking to apply for the RNA NWS this time round. I wondered if you could confirm that your initial email just has to be a request to apply to the scheme as close to the start time as possible? Then do you just wait to hear back from them? Could you tell me how long you had to wait? I'd love to know more about your experience of the scheme as well if you were willing. Many thanks and have a good Christmas :)

Unknown said...

Hi Julie - I have replied to your email address. B