Sunday, 11 May 2014

Nibfest, RNA chapter and Library of Birmingham

Morning folks, sorry for the late update, but in have been a busy gal. This time last week I knew I had several writing tasks to complete: a uni essay, a sex scene for writers group and a Nibfest competition entry.  I wasn't sure how I was going to squeeze them all in but woohoo, I managed it. My uni essay turned out to be a bugger, taking me into the small hours on three nights until it was complete come Saturday morning.

I managed on Thursday morning before work to reel off a steamy sex scene in 700 words ready for my Grace Dieu writers' group. Boy, did we have a laugh. I didn't have much trouble writing the scene but I struggled to read it aloud at group. Though, so did everyone else.

Saturday, knowing that I'd successfully complete two out of three tasks, I spent the day in Birmingham. My first stop was a RNA Chapter meeting - we had a great meeting filled with laughter and chatter. We were only a small gathering, as many people had prior engagements but we certainly made up for those absent. Meetings such as these are the icing on the cake regards my RNA membership.

After the meeting, I wandered across to have a self-imposed write-in at the Library of Birmingham.  Such a fabulous office space in which to work, as long as you can work with others surrounding you. I'm well aware that many can't but thankfully I can lose myself and ignore the coming and going of others. Anyway after two hours, I was kicked out at closing time but I'd managed to write a bumper section towards the 5000 words for the Nibfest writeathon competition.

This morning, I've managed to write the final thousand words and edit - all against the ticking clock. I was able to complete and send with just twenty minutes to spare regards the midday deadline. Phew! A busy week completing three tasks alongside the novella writing.

My plans for next week - focus on the novella and with just four week to go, begin work on exam revision.

Take care, I'll catch you laters x

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