Friday, 31 October 2014

Research and Nano

Ever wondered what a panda, fairies and a knot have in common? No! Nor me until I arrived in Sneem, County Kerry earlier this week on a research trip. I arrived with an empty notepad and an empty camera - I'll be heading home with everything I need to complete book three. Seriously, this trip was taken as a means to an end and yet it has proven to be invaluable. I'm a firm believer in writing what you know or can experience - I've certainly absorbed and experienced everything in the last three days. 

Why Sneem? I've been asked that question so many times in the last 72 hours. The answer: I opened a map of Ireland, closed my eyes and prodded the page - on Sneem! Within three weeks I was booked on a flight with a hotel reservation. In a curious way lots of little details match with my novel - but hey, I won't go into detail, maybe fate has played her role?

Tomorrow I return home having filled my muse with beautiful ideas and my heart with a renewed love for Ireland x

* * * *.*

31st October - there's just two hours before the fun begins for NaNo 2014

1st November - day one of the madness we lovingly know as NaNoWriMo - a crazy month in which writers attempt to write 50,000 words. A month where I scribble at every opportunity to avoid the midnight writing session to hit the daily 1667 words, or risk falling behind.

I'll attempt to blog my daily progress but forgive me if I lapse  - I'll be busy writing x

1 comment:

Chris Stovell said...

Kerry is absolutely stunning, isn't it? I thought I lived in a beautiful part of the world here, but Kerry is so, so lovely. Good luck with Nano! (and thank you for your previous post!)