Saturday, 29 November 2014

A Hard Day's Write - Library of Birmingham - update

A brief note to mention an event 'A Hard Days Write' taking place today on the second floor of the  Library of Birmingham - a marathon writing session where participating writers (me!) will follow each other in writing a specific story. Like in a relay each writer will complete a set time and follow the work and style previously set by the other writers.

I'll give a full account of the day in a follow up later.

I plan to dedicate tomorrow to NaNoWriMo - I hit the 52,000 words then paused due to the day job but tomorrow I am going for it... let's see what I can achieve on the final day!



Yesterday was a day of firsts. Firstly, I didn't write at 2pm as planned by the organisers but at midday, as one writer didn't show for their slot. I turned up early just to let them know I was on site and eager to write at 2pm.... within seconds I was seated and filling the midday gap!

If you're a regular follower you'll know that the genre I pay the least attention to is sci-fi. I have no feel for it, no understanding of the elements or minutia that relates to the genre. Boy how I chuckled, to myself, when I sat down to find... a sci-fi story started at 9am by the first writer. I'm not one to shy away from anything so off I went. I didn't have time to moan, sulk or think about the wonderful possibilities if it had been a romance... I simply started to type. Me writing sci-fi - now that was a first! I managed 800 words in the time given and yes, I took the story slightly off course (I had to introduce a tall, dark and handsome) but I retained the sci-fi element and left the next writer entering a sterile room decorated in stainless steel.... Lord knows where he took it after me.

Partway through my write, the organiser Iain Grant switched the projector leads; my typing was projected onto the ceiling in an instant - yep, a first for me in the Library of Birmingham. It seemed strange making spelling errors that everyone could see in an instant and yes, I nimbly changed them hoping nobody noticed.

A moment of delight was when I needed a male name for a new character - a young lad walked by so I cheekily asked 'what's your name?' I pointed to the ceiling and he watched as he 'Dylan' became the new character mentioned in conversation - also a first, hubby usually gets the job of quick fire input.

All in all, my time slot whizzed by, I was pleased that I participated, which again was a first for me, and would gladly participate in future. I don't know how the story ended, what the word count reached or whether 'Dylan' remained or disappeared but what I do know is that us writers need all the creative stimulation we can get; in any form, at anytime and in any location - yesterday ticked all the creative boxes for me.

I can only thank @IainMGrant and @HeideGoody for allowing me to participate in their event - cheers!

A Hard Day's Write: me busily writing Sci-Fi... a first!

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