Saturday, 8 November 2014

NaNoWriMo meets OCD

This week NaNo 2014 has shaken my world. In order to write 1667 words a day, I've had to change my routine drastically: it's been a while since I saw 5am! Yet, this week he's become my new best friend as I changed my alarm clock to write before work. OMG it was a shock but well worth the effort as 500 words before the day job begins is not to be sniffed at!

I've written during my break time  and lunchtime - when I usually read a book (which I have missed doing). Then once home from the day job I've completed another 100 minutes. Yep, I know slightly weird but hey when NaNoWriMo meets OCD... well anything can happen (including 'cod or a minnow')*

But, it's been worth it; I've had my best ever start to NaNo reaching the fifteen and a half thousand mark by week one!

A positive side effect has been my re-evaluation of my daily energy focus day job v writing job - which is always the litmus test for me. Plus the massive high I've experienced from yet again being involved in this crazy event. I've also encountered numerous new NaNoers on-line and one in the flesh!

So given that I'm wide awake at 2am on a Saturday morning I'll love and leave you to notch up a few hundred words on my NaNo project.

My aim this week is to continue the routine and get further ahead just incase life deals me a nightmare day later in the month.

Enjoy x

* an anagram of NaNoWriMo OCD

Follow up: I stayed up and simply NaNoed through the night - see what I mean about this crazy event?

Follow up 2: OMG! The NaNo madness hasn't subsided and so.... I have just clocked up my 25,013th word in just 9 days!!!!! Proof is attached.


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