Sunday, 10 April 2011

Poetry submission, Austen and Bath

As you know, for a number of weeks I've been focussing my efforts on poetry in an attempt to produce two poems to submit for consideration for The Polesworth Poetry Trail. Well, the deadline was Friday, 8th April and I'm proud to say that I did submit two poems - as promised. I have to be honest, the second one was a real struggle and did make me feel like giving up several times but I'd set myself a goal and submit it I did. I wrote a poem about Pooley Hall and the other about a pit pony called Jutt. Whether they are chosen or not, I feel that I've achieved my aim. I'll let you know how they fare.

This weekend, I have been lucky enough to spend the entire weekend in Bath, Wiltshire attending a friend's birthday celebrations. So, I made the most of my trip by attending the Jane Austen guided tour - a walk about Bath to all the places mentioned in Austen's fabulous novels. Those that know me are aware that I a certain fascination with particular authors, Austen being one of them. Anyhow, the walking party of twenty five had a beautiful day in which to enjoy the extensive knowledge of Maureen our guide, what I wasn't expecting was the ignorance of some. This is where my hubby would be rolling his eyes at my 'literature snobbery' but I swear literature snobbery had nothing to do with it - it was basic manners. Surely, if you go on a walking tour of Jane Austen you've at least heard of the woman before hand...- shocking to think one middle aged woman hadn't. Anyway,I had a wonderful time and would thoroughly recommend it. Afterwards, I sat outside Bath Abbey listening to a young man playing the saxophone busking to the passing crowds - he was amazing and he was no older than ten... honest, he was so small filling such a vast area with his delightful music. This is not unusual in Bath, they have street performance on virtually every corner: hula hoop lady was dancing to a fiddler, arcordian players, guitar and trumpet duo, I've even seen, and I kid you not, a young man playing a series of plastic buckets and he created some beautiful drumming. I looked for the chalk drawer, who is usually about but sadly not this weekend - he always makes me feel like Mary Poppins. As you can tell I had a wonderful time soaking up the atmosphere and indulging myself with some quality me time.

So, my plans for the next few weeks are to return to my own project, happy in the knowledge that I've completed the poetry workshops, have gained a further appreciation of poetry and feel inspired.

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