Saturday, 22 October 2011

Susan Price, Arty types and a poem or two

Morning folks, it's quite amazing how quickly the weeks are passing. I’ve had an excellent week, creativity wise – note, I didn’t infer writing week!

I started the week feeling quite fed up and feeling under the weather with a nasty cold – which caused me to sink and stay on the sofa on Monday night – I didn’t even move for dinner. I went without, just wanting a duvet and a hot lemon drink.

Tuesday, I had to drag my sorry ass to University tutorial in Coventry to discuss the lovies of art. The group wasn’t as forth coming as I’d hoped but hopefully over the coming weeks they’ll voice their opinions more. Me? Well, I did my best to convey what I felt and was quite taken with a couple of the paintings used as examples; Tilla Durieux and David’s The death of Socrates. It’ll be interesting to see how my knowledge fairs in the up coming assignment due 4th November which is dedicated to Cezanne.

Following my tutorial, I was starving having not had enough time for dinner at home, so I took myself off to McDonald’s. I sat in the darkened car park and ravished my chicken meal. The moonlight blessed the scene and out of the darkness trotted a fox. I sat in awe as he surveyed the car park – which I had to say was busy with people – but no one else saw him. I watched as he snook his way passed my car, heading towards the bins in broad lamp light of the car park without another person even flinching at his nerve. The captured image came back to me the next morning whilst walking the pup – and from it came a poem, Mr. Fox.

Wednesday, saw me take a group of 20 year 7 pupils to Nuneaton Library to visit author Susan Price. Susan was very generous with her time and explanation regards writing her children’s books. I sat listening intently, knowing full well that the group at my feet would be shocked knowing my secret life outside of school. Susan was very clear in her message to other writers ‘take a chance - sending it off, many never do’ – which seemed quite ironic given my current situation. Susan went on to scare the children with a reading of her story about Mr. Fox – which seemed quite a coincidence given Tuesday night’s nocturnal treat.

Wednesday evening, saw me once again feeling poorly wrapped on the sofa with a duvet, apart from a half hour slot in which I walked the pup. I am grateful that I did, because a poetry moment occurred again. From no where came the first two lines about a ballet slipper – to which I have consciously added two more each pup walk. Mr. Fox and ballet slipper were both scribbled and pondered over during the week and this morning, prior to writing this blog update, I have written both poems as final drafts. I shall be taking both to my two writing groups, Wednesday and Thursday, of next week. So, as you can see a very creative week for me – I don’t think that has ever happened to me before where poetry is concerned. Though, the swiftness of each creation matched the process that occurred whilst drafting ‘Jutt’ in early March.

I also watched a couple of programmes about the painter John Myatt, ‘Fame in a frame’ and ‘Mastering the art’ and watched how he produced some beautiful paintings – again another hobby of mine. It seems so strange that the happiest part of my life is the creative side, but that I’m also having great success with the ‘mortgage paying’ role. I can honestly say that I’ve certainly lived a dual existence balancing the creative form with the secure career. Which means, I’ll ever know whether I’d have been published by now had I put all my energy into the creative flow? Some fifteen years have been spent juggling - wow, that’s a whole load of energy!

I’m officially on school holiday for a week and so, the week ahead is planned – in detail. My main task is to heighten the polish on ‘Her’ – two proofreaders have highlighted that another run through is necessary. On Tuesday, I intend to visit Poet’s corner in Westminster Abbey along with the Degas exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art. Some tasks are pretty basic car MOT, vet visits and steam cleaning carpets but my general focus is writing.

Wow, I didn’t think I had much to write about this week and look what has flowed. Enjoy!

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