Saturday, 3 December 2011

Song writing, poetry and pandas

Morning folks – I am very excited having just watched two pandas from Sichuan Province be loaded into crates for their long journey to Edinburgh, which will equate to another event ticked off my April Fool list. Yay! I can’t wait. Sorry, forgive me, back to business, but still - yay!

I didn’t have any appointments with writers groups so have had a completely free week – which has been wonderful.

Monday, I attended Barry Hunt’s songwriting workshop in Lichfield. Firstly, I loved the location – may well be using that myself in a future. Song writing – not something I’ve ever thought of doing, I went purely as a new aspect to creative thought and flow. It proved exactly what the doctor ordered. I was the only writer present, everyone else apart from hubby (yep, dragged him along too) were songwriters or currently performing in bands. Eight pupils in total, which meant a cosy group which gelled in the given time. Barry and the others shared their knowledge, expertise and funny stories whilst we completed lyric exercises, melody discussions and the benefits of collaboration. Today, as promised on Monday, I shall be dedicating an hour to songwriting – who knows what I’ll produce. I’d give my back teeth for a Christmas number that roles out every year – now, we’re hitting fantasy land for sure. For future events by Barry contact,  

Wednesday, for the first time in my life, I went on strike. As I forfeited a day’s pay I spent the entire day at home writing. I polished three poems for the shoe project – which pleased me greatly. I shall be seeking opportunities for these over the coming weeks.

Thursday morning saw the start of a similar poetry project which I intend to send along side the ‘Poetry from the shoe rack’ submission. As warm exercises whilst on dog walks these have proven to be a worthy representation of my time, so I may continue this little exercise indefinitely.

Thursday, also saw the countdown begin regarding ‘Her’ – I am desperate to complete for 31st December so every day my writing time will be allotted to this project.
Friday - two interesting events happened at school. Firstly, during my English lesson I promised to write the pupils a Christmas murder where the chosen weapon was to be a pizza cutter! And, secondly, but I feel more importantly, a child was brought to me by a member of the support team to read her poetry. The member of staff knew that I had interests outside of school and thought I was the best person to encourage the child – what an honour! Anyway, I was impressed with her work for one so young, and we discussed seeking a poetry competition in which she might be able to enter her work. I shall let you know how she gets on. It was lovely being able to assist and encourage – probably one of the nicest elements of my job. I was secretly chuffed with the member of staff - who knows me so well.

I have joined the ‘River of stones 2012’ which takes place throughout January where writers and poets note ‘a thing of beauty’ witnessed each day of the month. By seeking and noting such detail, ideas and inspirations flow which can be turned into creative pieces. I thought it would be a great way to kick start the New Year. For further details, please visit

Wednesday night I shall be at the Mad Hatters writing group in Atherstone, I will be reading a couple of the poems from the Shoe rack to see what the audience thinks. Though, Thursday is the biggy night for me, not only because I have Grace Dieu Writers’ Circle to attend, where I’ll be partaking in the annual fish ‘n’ chip Christmas supper but…. (drum roll needed here) I will have donated my 50th pint of blood before hand – another event to mark off my April Fool list. For my efforts I will be presented with a pen, never have I given so much for a pen. For those that I see in ‘real life’ I apologise now for mentioning it every time I use the said pen, please don’t stab me with it!

Today’s plan - a day at the desk with ‘Her’ swimming before my eyes, aided by a vat of tea.

Remember you can follow me daily on Twitter by searching for odwyer_author – I can’t promise buckets of humour but I can promise that you’ll have a daily up-date regards my creative musings. Please pass the blog details or Twitter details to other interested parties. Enjoy!

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