Saturday, 4 May 2013

Stupid o’clock, RNA and a holiday

Morning, I hope to find you happy and healthy. For the third week my writing week has been disrupted by the ‘unexpected’ - turning up and skuppering my creative plans.

I have spent some time working of draft two – but no where near as much as I’d liked.
So, how can us creative folks juggle the day life and free up the evening for our own plans? At the minute, I’m proving useless at this task, when this has been my personal forte for many years.

So, what have I previously done to guarantee writing?

  • I’ve set alarm clocks to ring at specific times indicating my writing time.
  • I’ve got up at stupid o’clock in the morning to write.
  • I’ve stayed up working until stupid o’clock while others sleep.
  • I have written every lunch and break time.
  • I’ve written in car parks while waiting for people/appointments.
  • I’ve written via a Dictaphone while out walking the dog.

Uuuummmm it looks like the return of my trusted methods to ensure this coming week doesn’t go to waste. That is my promise for this week.

I have a RNA Chapter meeting next Saturday which will be my reward for my writing efforts this week. I can’t wait to meet up with the girlies for a chat and a catch up.

My plans for today are to busy myself writing my university essay so I can clear that task from my plate. It doesn’t need to be complete until the 23rd but I want it complete and sent – as early as possible. I can then focus solely upon draft two of TFD.

Monday, a holiday here in the UK, I am dedicating to draft two. I plan to photograph a local church, walk a specific country lane used in my draft and scrutinize road maps. A mixture of research and editing will make me a happy bunny.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @odwyer_author - so join the party and accompany my journey. I usually do Follow Fridays on Twitter, so if you sign up it maybe you next Friday. Enjoy!  

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