Thursday 17 April 2014

Bovary, The Secrets of the Shadows and novella

Morning folks, I start with a confession - I missed my writing group meeting last night. Having taken full advantage of the holidays, I lost track of days and thought it was Tuesday, nope it was Wednesday. I realized just in time to text a quick apology. Tut,tut!

On a brighter note, I've complete my uni essay discussing Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Collins' The Woman in White - not the easiest assignments for me but, hey done and dusted. I now start studying for my final assessment prior to the exam season, oh the joys!

I'm currently reading Helen Phifer's 'The Secrets of the Shadows' - her second novel published by Carina. I don't usually read crime/contemporary horror but make the exception as she's my RNA writing buddy. So far, I've read 20% of the book and am gripped by certain characters:Annie, Father John and Sean... I'll let you know how I get on being the scaredy cat wuss that I am. Please check it out as she's currently number one and number five in Amazon's contemporary horror charts.

Let me love you and leave you on a writing note, my novella plotting is coming along nicely. Yesterday I wrote a few pages note regards character and setting - today, I'll prepare my scrapbook of ideas and pictures.

Catch you later x

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