Morning folks, I write this as I sit on the train heading for a RNA Chapter writing day at the new Birmingham library. Our workshop is being lead by author and RNA member, Sue Moorcroft. It's going to be a full day of writer indulgence from 9 till 4pm.
I have to be honest and say, I am totally exhausted having completed my March challenge. But I only have myself to blame, though it has made me wonder at the output and the physical cost that writing has upon our bodies. I'm sure anyone reading this that have never written for extended periods might be shaking their heads, but I kid you not my back isn't back to normal, I did have a sore neck and have had several headaches since last weekend - which I 'm putting down to the writing stints. So, why do we do this to ourselves? Just because we love the written word? No, I did it because the finishing line was in sight and I was desperate to meet my deadline. Could I have moved the deadline date? Of course, but deep down I didn't want too. And, that's the point! I've moved deadlines before and they've become rolling dates that suddenly become pointless.
My birthday was last Tuesday, 1st April - yet another reason for my writing deadline - it was a day job day so I made the most of it by pranking as many pupils as I could. Lots of giggles on my part and numerous groans on theirs.
And so, back to this week. I have a writers' meeting on Thursday for which I have homework to complete before hand. Other then that, my mind is free to dream, muse and plan a new plot line in my head while my manuscript is away.
Enjoy the weekend folks, I shall return later with a mini update regards the RNA Chapter writing day, enjoy!
Follow up: What a fab day! Twenty writers shared, laughed and learnt so much from Sue Moorcroft, who it has to be said was very humorous throughout the day, and also very honest. I came home with my head buzzing and my heart uplifted eager to pursue my next project. If you have the chance to attend one of Sue's courses, I 'd recommend you go!
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