Saturday, 26 April 2014

Uni, pj day and a write-in

Morning folks, I'm up bright and early due to a busy day. I have a uni session this morning, I'm currently waiting for the train to Birmingham, studying Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' and Chopin's 'The Awakening'. After which, at midday, I am attending a Camp Nano write-in - my very first session meeting up with the Birmingham group.

I had a pj writing day earlier in the week and managed to get my planning completed. For me, I feel it is purely mind set that can determine my productivity. I select empty days on the calendar and literally create a designated date - thankfully family/household can indulge me.

Ok, I need to dash, my train has arrived. Catch you laters x

Update: my uni session had my head spinning so it was a delight to switch to the write-in at Cafe Lounge's basement. It was obviously a regular occurrence as the other ten knew each other very well, but they made me very welcome. I stayed for three hours and was quite amazed at how much I achieved. I'd previously doubted how much work I'd achieve in company but it really wasn't a concern.

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