Saturday, 15 January 2011

Hee hee we're all blogging

Excellent week for me. I walked around doing the 'day job' dreaming of that night's writing and hey presto - it worked. Each day I repeated  the same simple routine - 'day job' dreaming, home writing. Though, I won't kid myself that I can keep this simple routine up - something always comes along to bugger up my plan.  
Anyway, it seems all us creative folk are now cottoning on to the fact that 'blogs' are a necessary part of our existance. A poet/writer friend of mine, Mal Dewhirst, has just sent me his link, and I in turn replied with mine - ahh bless. I will add his link, just as soon as I've figured out how to, I promise.

Anyway, my main job for today, being my main writing day of any week, is completing the re-draft of chapter four. Hopefully to a quality that I'd be happy for any agent to read. I also need to re-draft a competition entry for the Bronte Parsonage competition and polish a short story for The Mad Hatters' Writing group for Wednesday night. Busy day... but first I need sweets, so I'm nipping out to the local sweet shop for lemon bonbons.

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