Monday, 24 January 2011

Review site and a shout out to Australia, Alaska and the good old U.S.A

Morning folks - I've been delivered a free day from the rat race due to a heavy cold and hacking cough. Shall I spend it wrapped in a duvet? Snuggled on the sofa watching a dvd? Nope - a free day from the grind stone provides an extra day for BOSFOK (bum on seat, fingers on keyboard). I've managed to complete an hour this morning and will be heading back shortly but... and this is the thing with blogging, I couldn't resist a numbers check regarding visitors. Woohoo, I've had visitors from Australia, Alaska and U.S.A - well, hello, good morning, good afternoon and good evening to you all (I aim to please all time zones) - my new blogger pals. How are you keeping? What a lovely surprise when I was feeling so poorly. A wave to my U.K. visitors too - wouldn't want you to feel left out. Whispered note: I am aware that Alaska is a US state but it made the title sound much more interesting - thank you x.

Life's full of surprises - which I love, as it keeps things a wee bit interesting. Yesterday (Sunday) I received a request asking if an extract from this blog could be used on a review website. I was honoured to be of assistance and pretty chuffed that followers like what their reading in my wordy ramblings. Arr, 'Wordy' do you remember him? Black floaty character from the 70s that taught us all, as little children, how to read, bless him. Anyway, I've said 'yes' to the review request and fingers crossed I shall be sending future reviews relating to the wonderful 'Fizz' poetry evenings and possibly, one or two on the live music gigs held at my local wine bar. For a whole heap of exciting nights out and about, take a peep at website - though, I'll be honest enough to say, I had to look up the word 'arras' - tapestry; hangings made of rich figured fabric. And, believe me, I've now mooched behind those beautiful blood-red fabric hangings, there's oodles going on; spoken word events, theatre shows, amdram productions - go take a peek, as I'm signing off, to take full advantage of my free day. Enjoy!

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