To make up for all the times that I've been late and kept you waiting, I thought I'd surprise you with an early entry.... written on Friday night!
Thankfully, I've had a good week writing wise. I've managed to complete a little each day, not as much as I'd hoped but non the less some everyday. I have a self imposed deadline of 1st September so have exactly 48 days to go - which is going to need some knuckling down in order to achive but I am determined to complete on that date. I've got to, I've already got plans for September. Anyway, I have just five more school days until I finish for the summer holiday when I can dedicate my time to editing 'Her'.
I can tell that I'm back in the writing mood because I've collected lots of ideas and snippets of conversations that can be explored and exploded into fabulous short stories. As always I jot my snippets in a tiny note book, stashed in my handbag, and will revisit the ideas once I find a little free time. Gems, such as;
'All I gave him this morning was a 'happy birthday' and that was his lot', 'I'm not expecting a parcel.... could you show me how big it is and I'll decide if I'll take it' and 'she squeezed it and brussel sprouts came out' - strange little snippets that set my imagination alight.
I am still awaiting news on the two short stories that I sent to 'Take a Break' magazine back in April - the expected three months waiting time is drawing to a close so any time soon I'll either gain another rejection slip or a success! Watch this space, given that a published short story is on my '40 list'. Whilst mentioning my 40 list, I have managed to complete a couple more so have up-dated the tally on the right on my blog. I'm currently up-to-date with my writing task for each event completed - it makes for interesting reading. I have re-booked the hotair balloon ride for dusk on Saturday, 23rd July - fingers crossed that the British weather smiles on us for a successful trip.
Thursday night - I attended my Grace Dieu Writers' Circle at Coalville - the evening started off with just a small group of five but within 15 minutes the group increased to 12 making it a busy night for poetry and prose. The group are planning a summer outing on 28th July - so ideas were being batted back and forth. Finally, we settled for a night at the local Italian restuarant. I shall give you an up-date once I've tasted the cuisine. The groups' readings were very mixed, a couple were very stark regards the cruel reailty of life - one painfully close for comfort. Which began a debate regards whether a writer should ever dumb down an issue, soften the blow with 'a spoonful of sugar' was the term used, as a means of protecting the audience. Although many of the members were shocked by the content it was agreed that the subject had been handled in a professional manner but that to soften the blow would do the piece an injustice. I, for one totally agreed with the rest, though some interesting points were made regards the genre of 'misery memoirs' where abuse and neglect have been sensationalized, whilst forgeting the true victims. Very much a debate that drew out a whole range of opinions, which as a writer I haven't previously encountered due to the nature of my genre but all the same, I needed to know my stance.
This Tuesday, 19th July I'll be attending another of the fabulous poetry evening 'Fizz 8' at the Polesworth Abbey refectory starting at 7.30pm - there is always a mixture of poets from the surrounding area - everyone is very welcome to participate or like me, sit back and enjoy. Please see the 'Pollysworda' link on my home page for more details.
Anyhow, having earnt Brownie points for an early blog post I am heading off to get a slice of editing completed while hubby and step-kids are busy watching a film. I'm guarenteed silence for the next hour so need to make the most of it, given that the children have now offically joined our household.
Hope you're all happy and healthy, enjoy!
1 comment:
An interesting debate. As a poet one tends to write in the first person, as a prose writer one has the luxury of character.
See you Tuesday.
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