Good morning folks - I hope everyone is happy and healthy. I did as promised, I wrote everyday this week and feel sooooo much better for having had a talking to myself following lasts week pathetic confession. I have just 60 days untiul my self imposed deadline of 1st September and so I must continue this routine come hell or high water. I can't remember if I've ementioned that I have a second idea for a novel brewing in my mind - which is what I hope to begin come September - though, I have started some research and a little day dreaming about the plot lines - may I add the day dreaming usually occurs when I'm standing in queues, break time duty at school or having a quiet moment in traffic. Anyway, all is good on the writitng front.
Monday, I received confirmation that I have my University place having been for a interview on 24th June - I was so pleased I danced downt he lenght of the English department corridor - much to the amusment of a naughty yr 10 pupil who'd been sent to stand in the corridor prior to being spoken too. So, it is even more essential that my novel editing is complete by 31st August otherwise it may effect my uni course.
Now, I realise that many of you view this page from over seas - which still blows my mind a little when I check the stats - but today, in Nuneaton, birth place of George Eliot, my friend Mal Dewhirst is part of a Poetry Day. It is the first time such an event has been held in Nuneaton, but the wonderful thing is anyone can attaned and take part and ..... this is the part I thought you could join in with, anyone can 'Twitter' him a word and he will include it in one of the many poems he will be writing today! His Twitter address is Maldewhirst@maldewhirst - provide him with a word and possibly tell him where you come from and how you found out and who knows you too could be part of this beautiful day even though you're overseas. For more details of the Poetry Day please, please, please take a look at the website. I can't attend today due to the family situation but I am going to send him a word.
Remember that you can also follow me via Twitter on ODwyer_Author - I try to add a little something everyday as a means of motivating myself and those following. One of my followers is a beautician, so she has answered a couple of questions regards her career for my current novel 'Her' - who knows what you may be able to help me with so please, give me a shout if you follow me on Twitter.
O.K, that is pretty much a round up of my week, next week I have a writers' meeting to attend on Wednesday and a University inducution (which gets me out of school for a whole day) but other than that it is write, write, write.
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