Saturday, 20 August 2011

Chapter 30, Mad Hatters and RSC Macbeth

Good morning folks - I'm raring to go on this Saturday morning. I had a decent week last week, I managed to edit from chapter 23 to chapter 30 - all good. Though, I did have a mini panic regards the time line of the plot around about Wednesday afternoon. I suddenly realised that certain events couldn't realistically occur at such a speed - so had to re-arrange some earlier details in previous chapters. But, it has all worked out in the end. In fact on the back of that mini panic I came up with a new idea that could enhance the plot - so my time was well spent.

I have to say as each chapter is finalised this novel is becoming 'real', more tangible as a book and in some ways I could kick myself for not setting such an intense goal period before. I have learnt my lesson and will do things differently with my next novel. My next routine will be to create the scrap book of characters, settings and ideas, then complete my research. Then set myself a sixteen week deadline in which I have to write the first draft, followed by a set period in which to edit, proof read and polish. I won't, as I did with this novel, simply muse along writing everyday without a deadline. I realise that this book has taken me far to long, and taken up much of my time - but it has been a learning experience at the same time.

Wednesday night, I attended Mad Hatter's Writers' Group - where four writers and poets had an evening of chat and critque. Alex read an amended version of his story 'Brief Encounter' - a semi biographical story with a good dollap of fiction added for good measure. Janis read her poem 'White-tailed eagle' which was a work-in-progress - in which she'd cleverly captured the essense of an eagle hunting above a Scottish loch.
We had a brief discussion regards the pronunciation of 'loch' - as the English pronounce it in a harsh manner, whereas the Scottish roll the sound about the back of their throat creating a soft pronunciation - which makes a huge difference when included in poetry.  We also had a discussion regards the validity of Shakespeare - was he real? Was his name a pseudonym for a collection of other writers? Was the pseudonym a prank or a joke of the era? Who knows - certainly with very few records of his life the discussion will continue long after we're dead and buried - I believe he did exist,  and that he was simply not recognised during his lifetime for a catelogue of superb plays.

Staying with Shakespeare - I attended the RSC at Stratford-Upon-Avon on Friday evening to watch a production of 'Macbeth' - I have to say it was stunning. The interpretation was outstanding - as many stage devices and props added to the delivery of the actors creating a production that uses every inch of the stage space available.  Superb! Another event ticked off my 40th April Fool list.

I have a pretty quiet week next week, except for my editing. I am heading to London on Wednesday to visit Highgate cemetery. I have wanted to visit for many years but holiday time has always been so precise and so I placed it as an event on my 40th April Fool list to ensure that it happened. Anyway, I have a tour of the West cemetery booked for two o'clock, followed by a gentle saunter around the East cemetery until closing time. I'm looking forward to visiting the graves of George Eliot, Charles Dickens, Michael Faraday aswell as the breathtaking Victorian architecture honouring the dead. On the way back to the tube, I plan to visit the Abbey Road zebra crossing made famous by the Beatles - which is also on my 40th April Fool list.

So, that's my week in a nutshell - I intend to follow my daily routine for another week - fingers crossed, I could be nearing the end of my journey by this time next week. Enjoy!   

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