Saturday, 28 June 2014

Momentum, Mad Hatters and proms

Morning folks, I'm awake far earlier than I'd wish to be, but hey! I've had another busy week due to the day job. Do I ever have a quiet week?

Following my mini retreat to Worcester I started the week on a 'high'  regards my writing. The plan was to continue the momentum through the week, though that plan didn't quite work out, nearly but not quite. It does seem the strangest concept, but seriously removing yourself from your daily life to focus on your writing works every time. I'm sure it is the psychology of the situation that helps to focus my mind.

Wednesday evening I attended the Mad Hatters writing group which meets every two weeks but the attendance has dropped since last December and each meeting is being effected. So, with sadness we decided to change the meetings to once a month hopefully everyone will be able to attend fewer meeting but hopefully each meeting will be vibrant.

Thursday night was an evening of celebration with the day job. Year 11 prom was held to celebrate the achievements of the young folk who had recently left school. I had a wail of a time on the dance floor - it was a pleasure to attend and say goodbye, for now, to the youngsters.

And so, to today...I'm awake with the lark so I'll crack on with exam marking - I have a shed load to complete. Tomorrow will be dedicated to my writing... Bliss!

Hope you have a good one whatever you're doing x

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