Sunday, 2 March 2014

Day 2 of MaNoWriMo

Morning folks, day two begins bright and early. Hubby is asleep so the house has a peaceful hush - perfect for writing.

I had a wonderful time yesterday choosing 10 poems from the huge selection written by children. Today, from the ten I shall choose the top five - it won't be an easy decision.

So, best foot forward - I'll catch you later x

Follow up: woohoo! I've written 1701 words which are necessary to meet my daily word goal. What a lovely writing session. The words simply flowed like a river, my fingers could hardly keep up with the flood of ideas.

After a gym session, I returned for another writing session taking the count to 2713 words. See you tomorrow folks when Bella Osborne will be handing the blog tour baton to myself to share 'My Writing Process'.

Night x

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