Saturday, 22 February 2014

Blog tour and RNA NWS

Morning folks, sadly my holiday week is drawing to an end. My first task today is to mark a class of exercise books before anything else. Afterwards I shall head straight to my desk and away I go with RNA NWS submission.

Yesterday, I agreed to participate in a blog tour called 'My Writing Progress' - aspiring authors answering four simple questions regards their writing. My blog contribution will be posted on Monday 3 March, so a week on Monday. The tour works like a relay race, I've been lucky enough to secure Morton Gray to pass the baton onto for the following week.

That's the plan Stan - I'll catch you later x

Follow up: having completed my school work, I turned my attention to my study essay. Why oh why does it seem so easy when lecturers explain, yet so confusing when seated before a blank page? Anyhow, I have managed a thousand words comparing Zola and Hardy - I'll write the other half tomorrow.

I've drafted a poem inspired by the simple 'nod' - such a small gesture yet so expressive.

I finally settled to my RNA NWS wrote two chapters and then deleted one, such is the way!

1 comment:

Morton S Gray said...


I'm busy preparing my questions for blog relay. Lynda Stacey will be following me! I met Lynda at the Festival of Romance.

Plodding on with my NWS submission too, although it was scuppered for a while as I entertained little boy in half term. I'm finding it so helpful now that I swap chapters with another NWS member at the end of each week. It keeps me on target and gives me an opinion on what I have written.

Have a great writing day. Mx