Wednesday, 21 November 2012

NaNoWriMo Day 21 - 2233 words

Evening folks - I am still at it. Today, I managed to write 2233 words bring my total to 37442! The offical Nano site is stating that I shall finish on 28th November with the rate I am doing, I shall continue to plod and see what happens. I would like to finish before that, if I am honest.

I've started to run though possible and plausible endings in preparation of next week. I have two selected, I can't decide which is better, maybe I should leave it to the final few days and see which one 'feels' right.

I am having to fight a strong urge to do a reread - but as with everything with Nano you have to fight that instinct and plod on towards the finishing line.

Ove the past two days, I have been quite reflective regards the challenge. I've mentioned before that I had a failed attempt in 2009 - then I took the view that you only wrote 1667 words each day and before long, the second week actually, I dropped off the scale and threw the towel in. This year I realised that, in the first few days, you literally write with the momentum - when the ideas come thick and fast. You take full advantage of the high spirits that have built up regards the starting point and produce as much as you can at each sitting. If like me, you are able to produce in excess of 1667 do it; then when you have a tough week at work or a family crisis hits home the banked excess carries you through for a few days when your output is lighter. I haven't written every day, as I'd hope too - but hey, that's life.

Come back tomorrow and see if I've broken that 38,000 barrier. Enjoy!

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