Friday, 30 November 2012

NaNoWriMo Day 29 - 4000 words and... the finishing line

I did it! 50213 words in 29 days - one day earlier than expected. Wow, what a result!
Last night, I arrived home from work and literally sat at my desk for four hours and wrote the final 4000 words. And at 9:30pm I signed onto the NaNoWriMo website and validated my word count - total being 50213 words.

A big thank you to my writing buddy Helen Phifer - it was her that nudged me and said 'come on lets do it.' Helen has also finished, but hey she's a NaNo pro not a NaNo newbie like me.

The next thing I did? Call it madness by I made a note in my diary for NaNoWriMo 2013 - but this time I shall give it some thought in and begin planning in October.

So, who will join me next year?

I need to leave for school now, so enjoy the day and I'll see you tomorrow for a weekly update - oh yeah, other creative stuff has happened this week. Enjoy!

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