Thursday, 1 November 2012

NaNoWriMo Day 1 - 4744 words

Well folks, I did it. I attended my writers' group meeting, came home and sat up until midnight to begin my NaNoWriMo 2012 challenge. I wrote for an hour which gave me plenty of time to write a thousand words than I headed for bed. Hubby thought I was mad, but hey, I literally had to get that first thousand words down before my eyes closed.

This morning I woke with such joy knowing that my NaNo jouney had already begun. It is now one o'clock in the afternoon, and I've just entered the total of 3967 words. I did link a little word counter widget to my left hand panel but it depends what you're viewing this blog on to whether it is currently working. Anyhow, that's me done for a few hours I shall have another NaNo typing session later tonight - strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

I will try my upmost to produce a daily update, so be sure to come back and show support as I'd hate to reach 50,000 words and no one knew about it.

See you later - enjoy!

follow up: I managed to squeeze in another hour this evening so my total for NanoWriMo day 1 is 4744 words.

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